Monday, February 16, 2009

much love for the queso

Wow. Jaden was all about the queso last night. It was intended to be eaten on nachos, but he decided to eat it like soup right off the ladle. Yummo.

Got cheese?

Friday, February 13, 2009

with love from Emma

I wasn't feeling very creative this year when it came to Emma's Valentine's cards. I even took her to the store and suggested she pick out something cute there, like Camp Rock or Hannah Montana. She wouldn't even entertain the thought. I guess I can't fault her since I'm the one that started the trend of making her personalized cards.

So late Thursday, the night before the the class party I made little picture tags and put them on goody bags. Em picked out these really cute bags with owls on them that say "Owl love you forever"...awwww.

I had my friend Kelly of Alacrity Designs make this cute shirt just for Valentine's day. I saw one like it on Etsy and asked her if she could whip one up and she did lickity split! Be sure to keep her in mind if you *need* any customs.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mia & Rome

Doesn't that sound like the title of a movie? Mia & Rome.
My sister came over this weekend to let me take some pictures of her lovlies.
Here are a few of my fave's....

Sweet baby Mia

Little lady bug

Taking a break to say her prayers
:: Dear Lord, please save me from these crazy people that keep changing my clothes and propping me this way and that on a bean bag ::

Rome & Mia


Did I spell Rome correctly? I thought I saw it on a license plate but I could be remembering wrong...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just for Mom

Here are the pictures of Jonah that you can't see at work. I bribed him with jelly beans and he still couldn't sit still. I really just try to snap shots in the split seconds between his goofy looks. It might seem like he was calm and cooperative, but the camera lies.

Liar, liar - lens on fire.